Friday, December 7, 2007

Music Videos

I guess it is left now for the younger generations, but who watches music videos anymore? My social group is late 20's early 30's and I don't know very many people who grow up and continue to watch MTV. they never show music! And the ones they do show on MTV, VH1, and BET are nothing but garbage. There is no real content in videos, let alone music anymore in the main stream.
All of the kids and teenagers watching the sexualization of our culture on these networks are forming discisions for their future on video thugs.

Racial Stereotyping

In response to some of the performances we saw today in class, I would like to say that I see where the media is going with their add campaigns. Every aspect of consumer culture is bias in one form or another. Every network will have a little more prejudice in one direction or the other. White men still run this country. They wil always promote and allow the degredation of other races.